It was an idea, reality will be in Geneva. Leaving aside the obvious jokes, the institute will present the design I.DE.A Swiss exhibition near the ERA concept car, a symbol (to use the same words contained in the official release) the renewal of the company.

With this two-seater roadster, which is essential in its tubular structure with the only goal of the habit of gull wing, the studio back to expose the 'International Motor Show "ten years after the last appearance. That it will not be temporary.

"This prototype is only the first of a series of models to which we are working to reassert our own line of design" commented with satisfaction Lardin Peter, President of I.DE.A Institute. Era, in questo caso, va considerato come un sostantivo rivolto al futuro, non verbo al passato. It was in this case must be considered as a noun to the future, not the verb to the past.
"This prototype is only the first of a series of models to which we are working to reassert our own line of design" commented with satisfaction Lardin Peter, President of I.DE.A Institute. It was in this case must be considered as a noun to the future, not the verb to the past.
Source: Autoblog
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