Porsche Take On London Mayor's £25 Congestion Charge In The Courts

Porsche are pressing ahead with their judicial review aimed at quashing London Mayor Ken Livingstone's introduction of emissions-based congestion charging. The proposals, approved in February and due to take effect from October, outline a new £25 (50 USD) tier for entry of high-performance vehicles but also a number of large family cars and SUVs that emit over 225g/km of CO2.

Porsche's objections principally concern the 'disproportionate' new charging tier and the legality of such a measure, with Managing Director of Porsche GB adding: "The Porsche case is about protecting London and Londoners from a new tax that will not only fail to reduce CO2 emissions in central London, but also increase congestion and damage air quality."

Alongside the introduction of an upper tier linked to higher-emitting vehicles, the scheme permits drivers of cars emitting less than 120g/km of CO2 free entry into the zone, expected to increase congestion and negate the positive effects of the congestion charge introduced in 2003. Adding insult to injury, Porsche drivers and other Band G vehicle owners presently eligible for the resident's discount will have that entitlement withdrawn, increasing the daily cost to some drivers by over 3000 percent.

For more information and to support Porsche's case, log onto porschejudicialreview.co.uk.

Source: Porsche GB

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